Montana Hot Air Balloon Rides Various Shapes And Sizes Montana Hot Air Balloon Rides Various Shapes And Sizes

Special Shaped Hot Air Balloons

Here at Endeavor Ballooning we love fun and colorful shaped hot air balloons! We currently have 3 that you can read more about below! The balloons are primarily for international and domestic events, but also local community outreach.

Please keep in mind none of these balloons are available for passenger rides due to a lack of lifting capacity. We certainly can use them for certain promotions should you be interested.

Barnstormer Fun Shaped Hot Air Balloon


Barn Shaped Hot Air Balloon

Built by Aerostar International in Sioux Falls, South Dakota this 750-pound balloon is our newest special shape. It holds 130,000 cubic feet of air and has a cow, horse, pig, a farmer and of course a full silo on one side. This balloon is a delight to our local farming community. Endeavor Ballooning would like to personally thank the American Farmer for their tireless work feeding the USA!

Ms Autumn Pumpkin Shaped Hot Air Balloon

Ms. Autumn

Pumpkin Shaped Hot Air Balloon

Also built by Aerostar International, our giant pumpkin shape balloon was originally built for the "Seasons Balloon Team" which included a sun, daisy and of course a snowman special shapes. Our chief pilot Colin has always wanted Ms. Autumn and that option became a reality back in 2019. Autumn holds 93,000 cubic feet and weighs about 500 pounds. With her massive green stem the balloon stands 5 stories tall.

Bud E Beaver Shaped Hot Air Balloon

Bud E. Beaver

Beaver Shaped Hot Air Balloon

Built by our absolute favorite manufacturer Cameron Balloons "Bud" is ballooning's only "extreme makeover." It was originally built as Mr. Potato Head by our friends Dave & Kathy. A few years into its life some things changed on the corporate spectrum and the balloon was re-born as a beaver. He has been in our fleet since 2013 and we have been able to travel the world with him to places such as Japan, Thailand, New Zealand and beyond. Bud holds about 132,000 cubic feet of air and weighs in at 700 pounds. He is our most challenging shape in terms of time to put together and pack up.

Brain Hot Air Balloon Montana

Intelligent Design

Brain Shaped Hot Air Balloon

"Intelligent Design" is the newest addition to the Endeavor Shapes fleet! Built by Aerostar Int'l for a Neurosurgeon (imagine that!) that wanted a fully anatomically correct brain. It is considered to be one of the most complex special shapes ever built and weighs in at a whopping 1,100 pounds!

Montana's #1 Balloon Ride Company